Browsing Category: Blog

Boost your CRM with Salesforce consulting

One of the main advantages of salesforce consulting services is the company’s ability to develop and implement the solution completely. Within the framework of successive stages or methodology of rapid implementation they are ready to analyze your business, design solutions for process automation, configure/refine the software package, integrate it with other external systems and applications.

Bidding on energy resources

At the moment, it is energy trading that can bring you the appropriate results in the segment of providing your enterprise with the resources you need. As soon as you start to create your own interesting opportunities in the relevant sector and customize the relevant processes, more efficient work starts immediately, which can bring you […]

Google AdWords: an effective modern online marketing tool

For many of those entrepreneurs who plan to move their business online, the main constraint is the complexity, cost and large time resource typical for classic SEO. Cheap promotion is almost impossible anymore. Meanwhile, there is an alternative way to attract new customers, well-publicize and get significant preferences from search robots without investing substantial funds, […]

A Scholarly Crowd Explores Crowdsourcing

At the Open and User Innovation Workshop, several hundred researchers discussed their work on innovation contests, user-led product improvements, and the biases of crowds.When Clayton Christensen and Derek van Bever prepared to write The Capitalist’s Dilemma for the June issue of Harvard Business Review, they took an approach rarely tried on the same scale: They outsourced it with 150 Harvard […]